[!] Important
[+] New
[-] Fixed error
[*] Changes
WoopGUI 1.02 ( 2002-05-19 )
[*] Changed name of the class TForm in TFrame as wxWindows defines
[*] Changed name of TFrame:InitStatusBar in TFrame:CreateStatusBar as wxWindows
[+] TFont, TStatic and TStaticText classes added
[!] rewrite many part of base class TWindow basing on class define from wxWindow
[*] many parts
WoopGUI 1.01 ( 2002-05-18 )
[+] Add this changelog.txt
[*] Add TApplication:Activate() that run MainLoop() function (Thanks to Ron
[-] Erased #pragma BEGINDUMP/ENDDUMP line from C source (Thanks to Ron
[*] Change to add various #define from
[+] Add Calling Virtual Method TControl:GetValue() [as standard message name to retrieve
[-] Change Calling Message name for TComboBox:GetCurSel() [which is c api function
to TComboBox:GetValue() [as standard message name to retrieve value]
[+] Add GetValue() Method to TButton
Add GetValueAsString() Method to TControl
[*] In TControl:New() add AddControl() call to add to parent window controls i create
[+] Add file called version_x.xx where x.xx show the current version of library
[*] Made some some minor corrections in capplication.c cwindow.c and cmenu.c
(Thanks to Ron Pikas)
[+] Add TIniFile() Class from sample file by Ron Pinkas
[+] Add TForm Class from which derives all standard windows (like
and TDialog Class from which derives all dialog windows
[+] and more ....
WoopGUI 1.00 ( 2002-05-15 )
[+] Initial public release
Francesco Saverio Giudice
my e-mail address is: